Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

Coronaviruses are an outsized family of viruses which can cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections starting from the cold to more severe diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The foremost recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.

Immunology is a branch of science that covers the study of immune system in all organisms. Immunology plays an important role in the fields of organ transplantation, oncology, rheumatology, virology, Pathology, Microbiology, bacteriology, parasitology, psychiatry, and dermatology.

Clinical immunology is the study of diseases caused by disorders of the immune system (failure, aberrant action, and malignant growth of the cellular elements of the system). It also involves in other diseases, where immune reactions play a part in the pathology and clinical features.

  • Track 2-1Immunological aspects of endocrine diseases
  • Track 2-2Immunological techniques
  • Track 2-3Immunological aspects of cardiac diseases
  • Track 2-4Immune regulation
  • Track 2-5Immunological aspects of allergy and anaphylaxis
  • Track 2-6Immunology of HIV infections
  • Track 2-7Immunological aspects of renal diseases
  • Track 2-8Immune-mediated neurological syndromes

Molecular Immunology manages the comprehension of the resistant fame work and how it capacities to shield us from pathogens, similar to microscopic organisms and infections, while in the meantime regarding the innocuous or valuable microorganisms in our conditions. Different systems utilized in Molecular Immunology Antibodies counteracting agent utilize Elisa, Nephelometry and Radioimmunology.

  • Track 3-1Immune signal transduction
  • Track 3-2Immune calcium signals
  • Track 3-3Immune quality control
  • Track 3-4Immune protein folding
  • Track 3-5Immunological secretion
  • Track 3-6Immune endocytosis
  • Track 3-7Immune cell motility
  • Track 3-8Immune ion channels
  • Track 3-9Cell stress response
  • Track 3-10Immune cell metabolism
Branch of biology concerned with the role of the immune system in the progression and development of cancer is known as Tumor Immunology. The most well know application is Cancer Immune therapy whereas immune system is used to treat cancer. It also be suggested that immunosurveillance primarily functions as a component of a more general process of cancer immunoediting.
Immunoediting induces selection for certain tumor cells, which loose dominant tumor-specific antigens allowing the tumor to progress. It has 3 main phases: elimination, equilibrium and escape.
  • Track 4-1Carcinogenesis
  • Track 4-2Onco-genomics
  • Track 4-3Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy
  • Track 4-4Cancer therapeutic resistance
  • Track 4-5Antitumor Effector Cells and Regulation of Tumor Immunity
  • Track 4-6Tumor-Associated Antigen & Immunosuppression
  • Track 4-7Mechanisms of Tumor Rejection and Modulation of Antitumor Responses
  • Track 4-8Pathobiology of Immune System Malignancies
  • Track 4-9Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy & Targeted therapies
  • Track 4-10Drug Development & Vaccines
  • Track 4-11Treatment Approaches for Cancer
  • Track 4-12Specific / Non-specific Immunotherapies
  • Track 4-13Immuno-Oncology studies

It is the study of immune system response that occurs at mucosal membrane of the intestines, the urogenital tracts and respiratory systems, i.e. surface which are contact with the external environment in healthy states, the mucosal immune system provide protection against pathogens but maintains a tolerance towards non-harmful commensal microbes and benign environmental substance. Since the mucosal membranes are primary contact point between a host and its environment a large amount of secondary lymphoid tissue is found here. The mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues or MALT provides the organism with an important line of defense.

  • Track 5-1Gut-associated lymphoid tissue
  • Track 5-2Mucosal Vaccination
  • Track 5-3Mucosal Immunology of HIV Infection
  • Track 5-4Immunoglobulin A (IgA)

The study of the immune response that occurs when an organ or tissue is moved (grafted) from one individual to another is known as Transplant Immunology. 

  • Track 6-1Immunosuppressive agents: Current trends
  • Track 6-2Tolerance induction
  • Track 6-3Xenotransplantation
  • Track 6-4Islet cell transplantation
  • Track 6-5Immunocell therapy
  • Track 6-6Anti-donor antibodies and current research

Branch of immunology that deals especially with the interrelationships of the nervous system and immune responses and autoimmune disorders (as multiple sclerosis) is known as NeuroImmunology.

  • Track 7-1Neuro-immune interaction
  • Track 7-2Epilepsy
  • Track 7-3Autoimmune neuropathies
  • Track 7-4Neuroimmunological infectious diseases
  • Track 7-5Maternal cytokines in neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Track 7-6Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Track 7-7Neurovirology
  • Track 7-8Blood brain barrier and diseases

Immunodermatology studies skin as an organ of immunity in health and diseases. Several areas like Photo-immunology (effects of UV light on skin defense), inflammatory diseases like Hidradenitis suppurativa, allergic contact dermatitis and atopic eczema, presumably autoimmune diseases like vtiligo and psoriasis and finally the immunology of microbial skin diseases such as retrovirus infection and leprosy.

  • Track 8-1Cutaneous Dendritic Cells in Health and Disease
  • Track 8-2Photo immunology
  • Track 8-3Atopic Dermatitis
  • Track 8-4Non-melanoma Skin Cancer
  • Track 8-5Immunobiology & Immune-Based Therapies
  • Track 8-6Drug Eruptions
  • Track 8-7Immunodermatology & Viral Skin Infection
  • Track 8-8Clinical Dermatology
  • Track 8-9Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
  • Track 8-10Allergic Urticaria
  • Track 8-11Alopecia Areata
  • Track 8-12Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
  • Track 8-13Pemphigoid Spectrum
  • Track 8-14Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita
  • Track 8-15Immunoglobulin Dermatitis
  • Track 8-16Advances in Immuno-Dermatology

Immunogenetics is a branch of immunology concerned with the interrelations of heredity, disease, and the immune system and its components. 

  • Track 9-1Genetic Research
  • Track 9-2Vasculitis and Autoimmune Disease
  • Track 9-3The Immunogenetics of Neurological Disease
  • Track 9-4Bone involvement in Monogenic Auto-inflammatory Syndromes
  • Track 9-5Immunoglobulin Genotypes and Cognitive functions
  • Track 9-6Mechanisms behind TB, HBV, and HIV Chronic infections
  • Track 9-7Immunogenetics and Pharmacogenetics
  • Track 9-8Chronic Inflammation
A biological preparation which provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease is known as Vaccine. Vaccines contain a microorganism in a weakened or killed state, or proteins or toxins from the organism. Vaccines can be prophylactic or therapeutic. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that currently, licensed vaccines are available for twenty-five different preventable infections. For example, vaccines that have proven effective include the influenza vaccine, HPV vaccine and chicken pox vaccine.
Immunization is an advanced process which triggers the body's immune system to fight against infectious diseases, by the administration of a vaccine. The administration of vaccines is called vaccination. Herd immunity can be when a sufficiently large percentage of a population has been vaccinated.
  • Track 10-1Combination Vaccines and Plant Based Vaccines
  • Track 10-2Recombinant Vector Based Vaccines
  • Track 10-3Age-specific Immune Response to Vaccination
  • Track 10-4Therapeutic Vaccination for Auto Immune Diseases
  • Track 10-5Vaccines against Vector-borne Diseases
  • Track 10-6Vaccination in New-born’s, Pregnancy and the Elderly populations
  • Track 10-7Japanese Encephalitis
  • Track 10-8Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, Rubella
  • Track 10-9Poliomyelitis, Rabies, Rotavirus
  • Track 10-10Hepatitis A, B
  • Track 10-11Adaptive, herd immunity
  • Track 10-12Chicken pox vaccine
  • Track 10-13DNA, HPV vaccination
  • Track 10-14Veterinary vaccines and Poultry Vaccines
  • Track 10-15Cholera, Diphtheria
  • Track 10-16Pneumococcal Infections
  • Track 10-17Cancer vaccines
  • Track 10-18HIV vaccine research
  • Track 10-19Influenza vaccines
  • Track 10-20Live vaccines
  • Track 10-21Meningococcal vaccines

Innate Immunity is defined as an immunity possessed by a group of species or race which is present in an individual at birth prior to exposure to a pathogen or antigen and that includes components such as intact skin, salivary enzymes, neutrophils, natural killer cells, and complement which provide an initial response against infection.

  • Track 11-1Anatomical Barriers lupus
  • Track 11-2Inflammation
  • Track 11-3Neural Regulation
  • Track 11-4Immune Evasion
  • Track 11-5Pathogen-specificity

Immunology research tends to a fascinating medium for the introduction, understanding and clarification of complex sensible information. Data appears as interpretive blend diagrams, exceptional research articles, symposia, preparations and theoretical structures. The level of argument reaches to the cell immunology, tumor immunology, immunoregulation, immunopathology, auxiliary immunology molecular immunology and autoimmunity have ensured and microbial restriction including viral immunology, transplantation immunology, Immunoendocrinology, translational immunology, Neuroimmunology and clinical immunology.

  • Track 12-1Antibody Engineering & Technology
  • Track 12-2Proteomics
  • Track 12-3Antigen-Antibody Interactions
  • Track 12-4Microarray
  • Track 12-5Recombinant Immuno-Conjugates
  • Track 12-6Characterization of Lymphocytes
  • Track 12-7Immunodiagnostic & Immuno techniques
  • Track 12-8Transcriptomics
  • Track 12-9Immunological Assay
  • Track 12-10Nano-Immunotechnology
  • Track 12-11Technology Development and Applications

Nutritional Immunology or Immunonutrition is a newly recognized sub discipline of vast clinical and public health importance. This discipline interrelates seemingly desperate fields of Nutrition and Immunology. Despite of their apparent independence in the immune system cannot function optimally if malnutrition is present.

  • Track 13-1Nutrient-gene interactions in the immune system
  • Track 13-2Nutrition and immune cell signaling
  • Track 13-3Nutrition, immunity and chronic age-related diseases
  • Track 13-4White-brown adipocyte plasticity and inflammation
  • Track 13-5Immune profiling in metabolic diseases
  • Track 13-6Obesity, inflammation and immunity
  • Track 13-7Nutrition-inflammation interactions
  • Track 13-8Nutritional immunology old challenges & new approaches

Branch of medicine that studies interactions between the immune system and components related to the reproductive system, such as maternal immune tolerance towards the fetus, or immunological interactions across the blood-testis barrier is known as Reproductive immunology.

  • Track 14-1Immunological paradox of pregnancy
  • Track 14-2Immune cells and cytokines in implantation
  • Track 14-3Mucosal immunity and sexually transmitted infections and Diseases
  • Track 14-4Immune-mediated sub-fertility and pregnancy complications
  • Track 14-5Immuno-genetics in reproduction
The branch of Developmental Immunology consists of two independent research groups. The immune system develops from hematopoietic precursor cells in the bone marrow. These precursors go through rounds of cell division and differentiation to give rise to the various different lymphoid and non-lymphoid lineages that go to make up the innate and adaptive immune systems.
The immunologists are investigating the origin and evolution of lymphoid organs and the adaptive immune system, the intestinal immune system, and adaptive and innate immunity with a focus on various aspects of immune tolerance. The immune system which initiates its development far before birth with in the fetus and because of which the development continues even after reaching the adulthood. The capacity to react to antigens and foreign invaders is thus dependent on: Age of the person, Type of antigen, maternal factors, Area of body.
  • Track 15-1Human growth and development
  • Track 15-2Phagocytosis
  • Track 15-3• Hormones regulating Immunity
Considering the case of neonates and children where the immune system is not fully functional at birth and still developing later on, the chances of them being susceptible to infections and pathogensis high and response to vaccines is not that effective compared to adults. This could later lead to development of allergy, asthma or other immune disorders hence the care and prevention methods employed is discussed under Neonatal Immunology and Paediatric immunology. 
  • Track 16-1Fetal & Neonatal Immunology
  • Track 16-2Pediatric Allergy
  • Track 16-3Outdoor & Indoor Allergens
  • Track 16-4Pediatric Asthma and Rhinitis
  • Track 16-5Vaccination effectiveness
Eco immunology is an interdisciplinary field combining aspects of immunology with ecology, biology, physiology, and evolution. The field of Eco immunology, while young, seeks to give an ultimate perspective for proximate mechanisms of immunology.
Psychological mechanisms that allows the individual organisms to detect the potential presence of disease-causing parasites in their immediate environment and to engage in behaviors that prevents contact with those objects and individuals is known as Behavioral Immunity. 
  • Track 17-1Clinical Trails
  • Track 17-2Randomized Controlled
  • Track 17-3Ecological Study
  • Track 17-4Epidemiology Study
  • Track 17-5Analysis of Clinical Trails
  • Track 17-6Implications of Immunology
  • Track 17-7Psychological Sciences
  • Track 17-8Suppression Immunotherapies
An immune disorder is also known as dysfunction of the immune system and these are characterized in several different ways.
By the affected component(s) of the immune system
By overactive or underactive Immune system
By congenital or acquired conditions
  • Track 18-1Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Track 18-2Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Track 18-3Multiple Sclerosis
  • Track 18-4Diabetes Mellitus
  • Track 18-5Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • Track 18-6Psoriasis
  • Track 18-7Myasthenia gravis
  • Track 18-8Vasculitis

Infectious diseases are mainly caused by micro-organisms  like bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, pathogens. some of these organisms cause diseases. Than any other cause infectious diseases kill more people throughout the world. These infections are mainly caused by germs .we can get infected by touching, eating, drinking or breathing something. Some of the diseases like measles and chickenpox can also be prevented by vaccines. Hand washing is also a used to prevent infectious diseases.

  • Track 19-1Bacterial infectious diseases
  • Track 19-2Neuro infectious diseases
  • Track 19-3Inflammatory infectious diseases
  • Track 19-4Rare infectious diseases
  • Track 19-5Communicable infectious diseases
  • Track 19-6Viral infectious diseases
  • Track 19-7Parasitic infectious diseases
  • Track 19-8Fungal infectious diseases
  • Track 19-9Protozoal Diseases
  • Track 19-10Intestinal infectious diseases
  • Track 19-11Mycobacterial diseases
  • Track 19-12Influenza (flu)
  • Track 19-13Kawasaki disease
  • Track 19-14Airborne
  • Track 19-15Respiratory tract Infection
  • Track 19-16Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  • Track 19-17Antimicrobial agents- infectious diseases
Infections are caused by disease drivers such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Physicians conclude an infection based on symptoms and results of physical tests. Once after confirming the person from infection to a type of illness, they should be aware of the specific infectious agent as varied microbes cause the same infection. As different infectious diseases possess similar kind of symptoms, body fluid samples, reveal the evidential causing agent of our disease.
Clinical approaches like imaging methods such as computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and X-rays reveals condition of the infection. Immunological approach of testing antibody using blood sample and other body fluids of infected person are performed.
  • Track 20-1Clinical mode of diagnosis
  • Track 20-2Immunodiagnosis
  • Track 20-3Molecular techniques

Communicable diseases are spread from person to person or through animals .these can be spread through air and transfer from blood or other body fluids like malaria, HIV/AIDS. non communicable diseases are chronic diseases like heart diseases, cancer and diabetes.

  • Track 21-1Cancer
  • Track 21-2Diabetes
  • Track 21-3Osteoporosis
  • Track 21-4Fibromyalgia
  • Track 21-5Heart Disease
  • Track 21-6Shigellosis
  • Track 21-7Measles
  • Track 21-8Hepatitis
  • Track 21-9HIV/AIDS
  • Track 21-10Enterovirus D68
Vectors are organisms such as intermediate parasites or microbes which transmits an infectious pathogen into another living organism. but it could be an insentient medium of infection such as dust particles.
  • Track 22-1Vector borne emergency
  • Track 22-2Yellow fever mosquito
  • Track 22-3Mosquito borne
  • Track 22-4Tick borne
  • Track 22-5Flea borne

Virology is considered to be a subfield of microbiology that deals with viruses and viral diseases. Infectious diseases are mainly caused by micro-organisms  like bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, pathogens. some of these organisms cause diseases. These infections are mainly caused by germs .we can get infected by touching, eating, drinking or breathing something. Some of the diseases like measles and chickenpox can also be prevented by vaccines. Hand washing is also a used to prevent infectious diseases.

  • Track 23-1Haepatology and nutrition
  • Track 23-2Sexually transmitted virus
  • Track 23-3Swine fever virus
  • Track 23-4Emerging infectious diseases

The process in which biotechnology is used in converting viruses into therapeutic agents by reprogramming viruses to treat diseases. There are three main branches of Virotherapy : anti-cancer oncotic viruses, viral vectors for gene therapy and viral immunotherapy.

  • Track 24-1Reovirus infection in mono layer and spheroid cultures of glioma cells
  • Track 24-2Development in viral vectors for gene therapy
  • Track 24-3Oncolytic virus therapy
  • Track 24-4Antiretroviral therapy (ART)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma are the causes of respiratory symptoms. These affects the organs and tissues that make gas exchange possible in higher organisms, and includes conditions of the upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, and the nerves and muscles of breathing.

  • Track 25-1Interstitial lung Disease
  • Track 25-2Pulmonary edema
  • Track 25-3Berylliosis
  • Track 25-4Hypoxemia
  • Track 25-5Acute Interstitial Pneumonitis
  • Track 25-6Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • Track 25-7Primary ciliary dyskinesia
  • Track 25-8Respiratory tract infection
  • Track 25-9Bronchiolitis obliterans

Infection Control in a health care facility is the prevention of the spread of microorganisms from one individual to another individual to prevent these infectious diseases problems frequent hand washing, infection out breaks, water and food in hospital must be maintained.

  • Track 26-1Clostridium difficile
  • Track 26-2Fatal Gram-negative bacteremias
  • Track 26-3Hand washing, Water and food in the hospital
  • Track 26-4Infection outbreaks
  • Track 26-5Surveillance system

Diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases are done by doctors along with the help of lab technicians and thereby regulates what kind of infections are occurred. They first diagnose the symptoms during the process of image scanning or by other tests. The laboratory test includes various kinds of infectious diseases which are similar to symptoms and signs. In a few cases, the body fluid or the sample collected for testing exposes the microbe which is invaded into the human body causing illness. The doctor diagnoses in efficient way and proceeds with the treatments. During the diagnosis doctors follow various forms of diagnostic measures or methods such as Blood test, Urine test, Throat swabs, Stool sample, Spinal tap. Apart from these, they follow some image scanning techniques and Biopsies. After inventing the proper type of disease, the physician/doctor prescribes the equivalent dosage of drug/medications

Innovation has been a stimulating driver of advances in medication revealing. mechanization, Nano fluidics, imaging, programming and take a look at advances have assumed a stimulating half in showing signs of improvement data, quicker. Is medication revealing at such a propelled state, to the purpose that additional upgrades area unit failed to need any longer or practical? There area unit various feelings on this and an excellent a part of the proof is narrative, however innovation advancement is basic to the modification of the medication revealing method and value talking regarding.

Public health is "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting human health through organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals". Public health aims to improve the quality of life through prevention and treatment of disease, including mental health. This is done through the surveillance of cases and health indicators, and through the promotion of healthy behaviors. Public health refers to all organized measures to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong life among the population. Its activities aim to provide conditions in which people can be healthy and focus on entire populations, not on individual patients or diseases. Modern public health practice requires multidisciplinary teams of public health workers and professionals. Teams might include epidemiologists, biostatisticians, medical assistants, public health nurses, midwives or medical microbiologists. Depending on the need environmental health officers or public health inspectors, bioethicists, and even veterinarians, Gender experts, Sexual and reproductive health specialists. Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the distribution (who, when, and where) and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined populations. It is the cornerstone of public health, and shapes policy decisions and evidence-based practice by identifying risk factors for disease and targets for preventive healthcare. Epidemiologists help with study design, collection, and statistical analysis of data, amend interpretation and dissemination of results (including peer review and occasional systematic review). Epidemiology has helped develop methodology used in clinical research, public health studies, and, to a lesser extent, basic research in the biological sciences.

Allergy includes a misrepresented reaction of the immune system, regularly to normal substances, for example, sustenances or dust. The immune system is an unpredictable system that ordinarily guards the body against remote intruders, for example, microscopic organisms and infections, while additionally studying for conditions, for example, malignant growth and autoimmunity. Allergens are substances that are unfamiliar to the body and that reason an unfavorably susceptible response. These illnesses incorporate roughage fever, nourishment hypersensitivities, atopic dermatitis, unfavorably susceptible asthma, and anaphylaxis. Symptoms may incorporate red eyes, a bothersome rash, runny nose, shortness of breath, or swelling. There are numerous sorts of sensitivities, Drug Allergy, Food Allergy, Insect Allergy, Latex Allergy, Mold Allergy, Pet Allergy, and Pollen Allergy. A few hypersensitivities are regular and others are all year. A few hypersensitivities might be long lasting.

Bacteriology is the branch and specialty of biology that studies the morphology, ecology, genetics and biochemistry of bacteria as well as many other aspects related to them. This subdivision of microbiology involves the identification, classification, and characterization of bacterial species. Because of the similarity of thinking and working with microorganisms other than bacteria, such as protozoa, fungi, and viruses, there has been a tendency for the field of bacteriology to extend as microbiology. The bacteria can be grouped on the basis of physical, chemical, and biologic characteristics. In recent years, medical scientists have concentrated on the study of pathogenic mechanisms and host defenses. Parasitology is the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between them. As a biological discipline, the scope of parasitology is not determined by the organism or environment in question, but by their way of life. This means it forms a synthesis of other disciplines and draws on techniques from fields such as cell biology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, genetics, evolution and ecology. Parasitology is the scientific discipline concerned with the study of the biology of parasites and parasitic diseases, including the distribution, biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology, ecology, evolution and clinical aspects of parasites, including the host response to these agents. Parasitology is the scientific discipline concerned with the study of the biology of parasites and parasitic diseases, including the distribution, biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology, ecology, evolution and clinical aspects of parasites, including the host response to these agents.